Sommer Maxwell

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Seasons 1-4

Welcome to 52 Seasons! In case you’re new here, please visit the Meet Sommer page to learn more about the significance of 52 Seasons and why I’m eager to create a community of avid gardeners, readers, creators, community advocates and for those of you who love to cozy up at home. Each week (or season), I’ll share links that I’ve found inspiring from various blogs, podcasts as well as projects I’m working on around my home, garden and community.

I hope that you will find inspiration and time to pause when you take time to read 52 Seasons. This is a place to connect with others on the elements of life you love most.

Although I will be posting a blog post each week, or season, there are six main elements we’ll focus on throughout the year.

  • Rest (Mid-Winter)

  • Prepare the Soil (Late Winter to Early Spring)

  • Growth (Mid-Spring to Early Summer)

  • Harvest (Mid-Summer to Late Summer)

  • Change (Fall/Autumn)

  • Light (Early Winter)

January, for me, is a time of extended rest. It is a time for reflection, clearing out our physical space and also some mental space after the “holiday layer” lifts (thank you to my sister for that little gem of a metaphor). It’s also a time to dream and make space for new possibilities.

Choosing rest doesn’t always means catching a nap (although a quick 20-minute one in the late afternoon can be restorative for me), but it is a conscious choice to do the things that make me feel well and saying no to the things that don’t. That doesn’t mean that life’s responsibilities disappear, it just means that I move through them in a way that allows me to go a little slower. I might light a candle, listen to an audiobook, take breaks to walk in the backyard and watch the birds, spend time reading in the early hours of the morning, or just wait longer before making a decision.

It can be easy to fill out the planner and charge ahead even if my body feels like it is still in hibernation (which I still do sometimes despite knowing I need to rest). This year especially, feels like it deserves a little extra time and attention to reflect. I’m reminding myself daily to continue the slow pace amid everything that calls for my attention (especially when we get one of those 70-degree January days that tell me to go out and work in the garden!).

Below are some of the resources I’ve been leaning into as I moved through January. This first post will be a little longer as it encompasses the first four seasons, but future posts will include only a week (or season) at a time.

*Just a heads up that many of the links are videos with sound in case you need to turn the sound down or grab your headphones.


I’m still doing the regular January things like filling out my 2021 planner and mapping out our spring garden, but I’m also taking stock of the items we’ve been holding onto for years that we really don’t need anymore and passing them on so that they will be used by someone else, repairing them or storing them properly. It’s sometimes a lengthy and overwhelming process to be honest, but SO necessary for clearing out mental and physical space.

It feels nice to have a clean slate to start the year, but it doesn’t have to happen like a tornado. It can be a slow and thoughtful process. I find if I try to do too much too quickly, I’ll get overwhelmed and want to jump ship on the project before I make any progress. My experience this year was no different. I had to really make sure I took breaks and asked for help along the way….and I still have a box of letters and old diaries to read from when I was growing up that I may not get to until March, but that’s okay.

I love this podcast on how to begin the new year by giving your home a restart: The Lazy Genius: Reorganizing

While I’m looking at how we ended up with all these extra things to sort, I’m also taking a closer look at our budget. I’ve been using YNAB (You Need a Budget) for several years and I absolutely love it. It keeps me honest about what we’re spending, helps us budget for True Expenses and keeps us growing the Wish Farm.

I watch Hannah’s videos on the YNAB YouTube Channel (her most recent video is hilarious as usual) to stay inspired and she just put out two really great ones. She’s cracks me up every time and makes the budgeting journey relatable and relevant for all of us. I’ve never had more fun thinking about our finances.

Watch YNAB: My 34 Day Reset and How to Get Out of Debt (and Stay Out!) (I’m recommending this one to my younger in-college self, but I hope you can send this link to someone in high school before they make lots of bad financial decisions in college like I did).

Our middle-school aged son has had a checking account (in his name), debit card (in my name) and YNAB account (his own budget) for several years so that he can learn about healthy financial literacy hands-on. We are all always learning. I’m a big believer that you learn by doing.


We are prepping our winter garden by building branch trellises for spring and summer veggies (check out The Elliott Homestead DIY video here to make your own) and researching potager garden ideas to invite more whimsy and wildlife into our urban backyard. I’m loving the inspiration in these videos by The Beautiful Nest and Her 86m2 where you can get ideas on creating balcony gardens or a bountiful garden even if you have just a small area for your garden.

Don’t forget to leave out some food for the birds little critters over the winter months. I cut and scooped out a large acorn squash then filled it with a high protein bird seed (I’ve had good luck with this bird seed). I tied four pieces of twine together at the top and bottom to form a basket to hang from a tree branch. The grooves in the acorn squash work great to hold the twine in place.

We also harvested the rest of our Meyer lemons this month and have been using them for everything from lemon, honey and ginger tea to putting peels in a combo of one part vinegar to one part water as a cleaner. We’ve also enjoyed sharing them with friends and family.


I’m finding that this pandemic and our family’s, community’s, country’s, and world’s events just bring new versions of loss every day. I keep realizing that I have the capacity to process more just as I think there can’t possibly be anything else to grieve. I just focus on making myself well and giving myself time to heal in between the grief of what else and who else is lost. What else can we do but feel it, grieve it, celebrate the person or the experience and then grow from it, learn from it or just be present with the feelings it brings up? It seems that the only way to move forward is in tiny little steps so that it doesn’t feel overwhelming. Feel the ground. One foot before the other. I’m always an emotional and sensitive person, but I find that these are unprecedented times of loss and pain.

Often there are moments in the day that I just need to pause for a little bit and take in some nature and perspective. Sometimes it’s a walk outside or just watching these videos by The Cottage Fairy . Go ahead and subscribe to the channel and treat yourself with a video every Thursday like I do. There are SO many good bits of inspiration and wisdom on her channel.


I repurposed last year’s calendar into fun monthly bookmarks for the year! I took my favorite FLOW Calendar and cut it into fun little bookmarks to mark my spot as I read from my 2021 TBR shelf. ($) I love using this ribbon to add a little tassel at the end of each bookmark.

This would be a great project to do with kids and a way to recycle old calendars or even seasonal greeting cards.


Over the holiday break I had my nose in the pages of The Bear and The Nightingale and The Snow Child. Two stories set in the snow were fabulous for winter reading and both of these stories had me eagerly turning the pages while I cozied up in some blankets with a cup of this amazing tea.

I’ve been reading more than every this year thanks to the Modern Mrs. Darcy Book Club. Checking in with the community, listening to author chats, and connecting over movies, reading goals and books we’ve been reading has really been an anchor for me this year. I recommend subscribing to her blog and her podcast, What Should I Read Next where you can pick up some amazing book recommendations.

In case you are looking for book recommendations for kids (or yourself!), gift ideas for all ages or want to peek into my TBR List for 2021, head over to the 52 Seasons Book Shop on ($)


"Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world." - Desmond Tutu

If we all make a difference in our communities, that change will begin to happen on a global level. It begins at home. It’s what we teach our families and IT MATTERS.

Last week I listened to an inspiring interview with Angie Thomas, author of The Hate U Give and Concrete Rose, and highly recommend giving the interview highlights a listen. I just love Angie Thomas for the way she can just get into the heart of a character in her writing. She has a way of pulling you in as a reader so that you can relate to the characters in such a deep and meaningful way. I’ve also added the The Hate U Give movie to my watchlist after listening to the book on audiobook when it came out awhile back. I have no doubt it will be a heart wrenching and important commentary on what has been a constant struggle for racial justice in our country.

Thank you for taking time out of your day to read 52 Seasons. I’d love to hear your feedback and ideas so that we can grow together.

Check out some of my favorite resources here.

If you’d like to receive the 52 Seasons blog post each week, be sure to subscribe to the blog. I’ll see you next week in your inbox!

Are you implementing any new ideas or routines for 2021? Working on any creative projects at home or in the garden or helping your community in new ways? Be sure to comment below on what you are looking forward to in 2021.