If you're feeling tired, unsettled, or overwhelmed this season. . .

After several activities with family and friends and finishing up some house projects last week, my little family took a whole weekend just to rest. It wasn’t that the week was particularly stressful. I even managed to add some calming elements into the week with time in nature, reading breaks, short naps, cooking with herbs from our garden, and adding natural elements to our dining table decor. Still, I found myself depleted by the end of the week. I also knew I wasn’t the only one in our house who could use a break. We all agreed that hitting the pause button on life for the weekend might be essential and therapeutic, considering we have a full couple of weeks ahead.

Cozying up in our house, we finished our fall puzzle, took long walks, did our best to sleep in (our teenager is highly skilled in this area), cooked up extra leftovers in creative ways, and even visited a local cafe and coffee shop to do our part to support local businesses near our home. There was also plenty of time for individual downtime, which we spent reading and watching shows. I made countless mugs of milk tea, matcha, and chai, and enjoyed the slowness of the weekend.

Comforting recipes from my favorite winter cookbook. Winter by Louise Franc

Most everyone I’m hearing from in the Northern Hemisphere who has transitioned into winter is feeling its effects. A stifled yawn, a little sniffle, or a full-on cold or virus has everyone scrambling to lower their expectations for productivity this winter season. A yearning for slowness digs deep into our soul when life around us feels frantic with the upcoming holidays. We feel forced to ramp up our limited energy when our bodies desperately want to slow down.

So, this week, I’m sharing advice and encouragement from some of my favorite sources to help everyone embrace a slower pace.

Reading for Relaxation and Escape

Right now, I'm finishing up the page-turner Divine Rivals (Bookshop.org & BookPeople), a Young Adult (YA) novel by Rebecca Ross, which begins with a melancholy mood that reminds me of A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (Bookshop.org & BookPeople). The story transforms into an action-packed enemies-to-lovers journey rooted in enchantment amid a grueling war between gods. This book is the beginning of the Letters of Enchantment series, and book #2, Ruthless Vows (Bookshop.org & BookPeople), releases on December 26, 2023.

I’m also reading The Berry Pickers (Bookshop.org & BookPeople), which reminded me of a thread in The Secret Book of Flora Lea (Bookshop.org & BookPeople) by author Patti Callahan Henry.

Music for Puzzling and Writing

Mums blooming in our garden. The ‘White Tea’ chrysanthemums have also started blooming and are ready to dry for chrysanthemum tea. Watch the process of making chrysanthemum tea in this video on my website.)

Winter Naps

Let your nervous system enjoy a nap with Ally Boothroyd’s Yoga Nidra and Sound Bath sessions. Listen to them relaxing reclined on your bed or make a pallet on the floor and cover up with a blanket and an eye pillow. (My favorite is her Forest Bath Guided Yoga Nidra session)

If you need a laugh over the idea of holiday “simplicity” before you head into the weekend, you might enjoy this Substack post from Erin Boyle at Tea Notes.

“The truth is that holiday magic doesn’t exist apart from holiday realism.”

-Erin Boyle at Tea Notes

Take care of yourselves, my friends. See you next week.


Preparing the Winter Garden


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