Season 23


A simple, quiet life has as much value as an adventurous, boisterous life despite the societal expectations thrust upon us. There is magic in observing nature, in watching things grow, in listening to another person’s story, and resting long enough for the creative process to meander its way from our hearts to our minds.

*If you see an asterisk next to a link, it links to a video with sound. Just a heads-up in case you need to turn the volume down or pop on your headphones.

($) If you see this dollar symbol in a post, the link is an affiliate post. I will receive income or a discount on products if you purchase that item on, anything on the Etsy or Prana website, or book using Campspot using my link. Income from the products in these links helps me to keep this blog growing.


Celebrating the last day of school and the beginning of summer with virgin piña coladas!

Celebrating the last day of school and the beginning of summer with virgin piña coladas!

Can you feel the shift? If you’re heading into the summer season in your corner of the world like we are, it might be time to hit the reset button. This weekend we sat down as a family to brainstorm what we want our summer to look and feel like. One of the top priorities, especially for our son, was time with friends.

Summer days can be difficult to navigate as they often look different from day to day. We decided on a loose daily schedule based on what each person needs as well as summer plans that include the whole family.

Our summer plans include three vital ingredients: simple, slow, and time with family and friends.

I highly recommend giving the podcast episode How to Lazy Genius Your Summer Day a listen. Kendra Adachi at The Lazy Genius offers tips on how to get that summer feeling flowing with a little bit of easy structure to our days and a few house rules without some of the frustrating obstacles to summer fun and downtime.

After listening to the podcast and considering our family’s obstacles, I know one of our obstacles can be not having snacks for spontaneous visits with friends, so we’re making sure to add quick snacks to the grocery list.

We also tend to eat dinner later than usual because we have daylight until nearly 8:30 or 9:00 at night. We are still hungry in the late afternoon, so I’m switching things around by having a family happy hour in the late afternoon at least a few nights a week with small plates of snacks to bring us back together and fuel us until we prepare a late dinner. I’m opting for simple and light dinners throughout the summer.

Going camping this year? Need help finding a unique place to camp? Let Campspot help you find your next adventure! ($)

We’re in the process of renovating and updating the interior of our 1980 Airstream International. Our list of projects include:

Our 1980 Airstream International

Our 1980 Airstream International

  • repositioning a few of the walls in the bathroom to allow for more space

  • taking out the retro airplane style overhead storage above the beds to allow for more headroom

  • changing out the tall cabinets in the kitchen and adding more countertop area for cooking

  • taking out the small cabinets in the living area to add a more useful dining bar top.

  • Adding window coverings that actually fit the windows!

We’ve got plenty on our to do list, but we can’t wait to get started. Stay tuned for updates in the weeks ahead! Be sure to subscribe to the blog so that you don’t miss a week.

Father’s Day is coming on June 20th, 2021, in the United States. If Father’s Day is a difficult time for you, I encourage you to read the wellness section of the blog post this week. Take good care of yourself.

If you are celebrating a dad or father figure in your life, I have a few gift ideas to consider. Do you have a bookworm you’re shopping for this year? Why not get that dad or father figure in your life a Father’s Day Book Box from I Smell Books? The name alone makes it worth checking out!

Stuck on what to get Dad? Check out my curated Father’s Day favorites list called Celebrating Dads ($) on Etsy if you’re searching for ideas.



I’ve spent most of the week cleaning up the garden after weeks and weeks of rain. I’m tying up and pruning leggy tomato, tomatillo, and pepper plants, burying strawberry runners, and doing LOTS and LOTS of weeding.


If you have a gardener in your life you’re shopping for, check out my For The Garden Etsy favorites list.


Last week we FINALLY had a sunny day after so many rainy days, and it made me think of a book I read to my son when he was small. In the story, everyone is grumpy, stressed, arguing, and trudging their way through the rain and muck of the day and all the extra annoyances it has caused. Then…the sun comes out. Everyone suddenly has a change of mood, outlook, and they are suddenly able to relate in a kind way with each other.

When life feels overwhelming, it feels like trudging through murky emotions and difficult life choices or experiences. But letting the rain fall through a good cry after or amid a difficult time can release our emotions for a moment so that we may see clearly what is ahead of us. The emotional release gives us clarity in a way that is not possible when we don’t lean into what we are feeling. Our eyes have a lens that has been wiped clean to see things as they really are. It doesn’t fix the situation, but it can help us move forward with new perspective.

Whether you experience a monthly cycle or you know someone who does, it is likely that every week is slightly (or drastically) different. Those of us who experience menstruation have bodies and minds that are experiencing constant change.

In last week’s Lazy Letter, a monthly newsletter from The Lazy Genius Collective, Kendra Adachi writes about her epiphany after reading Do Less by Kate Northrup. Kate Northrup reframes our monthly cycle as seasons to move through. Being proactive in scheduling your time according to your body’s seasons can set you up for more calm, less stress, and better communication with those around you.

Obviously you can’t help it if life happens and your week gets ambushed by a stressful deadline, but at least you can know how to take care of yourself to get through it.

Spring (WEEK ONE) - You might feel an uptick in energy this week, and it is a great time for creativity and working through ideas.

Summer (WEEK TWO) - Mid-cycle is usually the time for ovulation which signals a feeling of being more open to people, fun, adventure, and community - I like to think of this as an introvert’s extroverted week ;)

Fall/Autumn (WEEK THREE) - The week before you begin your period when your energy level starts to decline which might mean it is time to wrap up projects at the beginning of the week (this may also be the week I have a few days where I don’t sleep well and everyone annoys me). This is not a great week for making big decisions or working through complex problems. I find this is a great time for more introverted activities like reading, light exercise such as walking, lifting light weights, or yoga to decrease breast tenderness and still remain active.

Winter (WEEK FOUR) -This is the week where you start your period and probably feel a sense of relief even if your energy feels drained. You might find yourself in need of quiet, downtime, and feel a deep desire for rest.

Trying to push through on weeks when our bodies are telling us we need rest isn’t sustainable or healthy.

I wonder if the statements below are what we tell our young women by not explaining these seasons to them? Is this what we tell ALL women in our society?

Don’t listen to your body!

Push through those winter days in your cycle even if you’re tired to the bone!

Summer days in your cycle are the only days that are acceptable!

Honoring our bodies is a much healthier approach to our lives.

Write your seasons in your planner and alert your household. I’m finding this seasonal approach to be more kind to my body, my mind, and the relationships in my life.

The Four Phases of Your Menstrual Cycle



Perspective photos are a fun summer project to do with the whole family. You’ll want to position yourself in the front or foreground of the photo. Put some distance between yourself and the background object to make it appear smaller. If you are trying to make an object appear larger, you’ll do the opposite. Check out Pinterest for more inspiration on creating a perspective photo. Perspective photos work great for creating travel photos and could be fun postcards or holiday cards later in the year.


Whew...we made it through this crazy school year! Now let's keep those kids reading all summer and warm up our library cards, and start visiting our local bookstores!!!

I absolutely love to visit new bookstores when we travel. I’ve included a photo gallery of a few bookstores, book art installations, and a Free Little Library we’ve come across over the years in our travels.

Share in the comments below your favorite local bookstore or bookstores you visit when you travel or would like to visit in the future. Can you guess where these bookstores, Little Free Library, and book art installations are located?


Do you have an early reader in the house? Try reading soccer to keep them engaged.

Reading: Luck of the Titanic ($) by Stacey Lee, On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous ($) by Ocean Vuong, Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man ($) by Emmanuel Acho, and People We Meet on Vacation ($) by Emily Henry

Listening to: We’re Going to Need More Wine ($) by Gabrielle Union

Recently Finished: Crying in H Mart ($) by Michelle Zauner, Midnight in the Blackbird Cafe ($) by Heather Webber, The Downstairs Girl ($) by Stacey Lee, and Work in Progress ($) by Leanne Ford and Steve Ford

Up next: The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together ($) by Heather McGhee, Refuge ($) by Dina Nayeri, The Stationery Shop ($) by Marjan Kamali, and Caste ($) by Isabel Wilkerson

In case you are looking for book recommendations for kids (or yourself!), gift ideas for all ages or want to peek into my TBR List for 2021, head over to the 52 Seasons Book Shop on


Is This The World’s Most Aging Friendly City?

Pools - A View From Above

We Need Diverse Books

"Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world." - Desmond Tutu

Thank you for taking time out of your day to read 52 Seasons. I’d love to hear your feedback and ideas so that we can grow together.

Check out some of my favorite resources here.

If you’d like to receive the 52 Seasons blog post each week, be sure to subscribe to the blog. I’ll see you next week in your inbox!


Season 24


Season 22